E1. Don't Put Me Behind Bars
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INSIDE The Probation Service

INSIDE The Probation Service

2020  |  free  |  U/A


 Rated 16+
  • Play Now
  • Director: Sharon Hun and Tan Yew Guan
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Troubled Singaporean youth often spiral into crime and substances due to family and peer issues. This series shows the country's probation system rehabilitating wayward youths via counseling, not prison. We follow officers catalyzing profound change by bonding with lost teens, getting them to reassess life's meaning and rebuild skills, and ultimately graduating with jobs with renewed purpose.


E1. Don't Put Me Behind Bars
60 minutes

E1. Don't Put Me Behind Bars

The Probation Service sees potential for reform in troubled youth - but what has earned them this extra chance at redemption?

E2. Try to Understand Me
60 minutes

E2. Try to Understand Me

What motivates youth down the misguided path of drugs and scams?

E1. Don't Put Me Behind Bars

The Probation Service sees potential for reform in troubled youth - but what has earned th...

60 minutes

E2. Try to Understand Me

What motivates youth down the misguided path of drugs and scams?...

60 minutes