E1. United Under The Flag
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The Hollywood War: 1939-1945

The Hollywood War: 1939-1945

2013  |  premium  |  U/A


 Rated 13+
  • Play Now
  • Director: Michel Viotte
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When the USA joined World War 2, it wasn't just ordinary citizens who enlisted! The biggest names in Hollywood - from producers, stars, artists, technicians - joined the war effort. From making shows & commercials to get people to buy war bonds to creating & starring in films that demonized Hitler & Nazism, to actually fighting in the war - & thereby blurring the boundaries of reality & fiction!


E1. United Under The Flag
50 minutes

E1. United Under The Flag

What made Hollywood join World War 2?

E2. Confronting The Dictators
51 minutes

E2. Confronting The Dictators

What actors, producers, technicians did to promote the war.

E3. On Every Front
51 minutes

E3. On Every Front

The biggest stars enlisted & went to war! What happened to them?

E1. United Under The Flag

What made Hollywood join World War 2?...

50 minutes

E2. Confronting The Dictators

What actors, producers, technicians did to promote the war....

51 minutes

E3. On Every Front

The biggest stars enlisted & went to war! What happened to them?...

51 minutes