Anne Frank: A Sister's Story
Anne Frank: A Sister's Story

Anne Frank: A Sister's Story

2015  | 23 minutes  |  free  |  U/A


 Rated 13+
  • Play Now
  • Director: Edward Cotterill
  • Cast: Gillian Walnes, Eva Schloss, Ronald Leopold
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Commemorating the seventieth anniversary of Anne Frank’s death, this documentary goes back in time, reliving Anne’s story with inputs from her stepsister, Eva Schloss. Her father, Otto Frank, who found her diary, was instrumental in ensuring that his late daughter’s writings weren’t swept under the carpet. The earnestness with she describes the Holocaust, her experience living through it, were key reasons for the popularity of the diary on publication. But were there other factors that made this teenager a legend? Discover the myriad reasons for her enduring appeal in this feature.
