Touring Talkies
Touring Talkies

Touring Talkies

2018  | 52 minutes  |  premium  |  U/A


 Rated 13+
  • Play Now
  • Director: Thibault Férié
  • Awards: Official Selection - Beloit International Film Festival 2014
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Go on the road with Anup Jagdale, one of the last stalwarts of the travelling cinema tradition in India. Just half a century ago, there were a thousand trucks like Anup’s taking the magic of cinemas from village to remote village, where they were welcomed with delight and celebrations. With the spread of television and smartphones even through rural India, the popularity of this form of entertainment is waning and now there are less than a dozen enthusiasts taking movies on the road. Explore the joys and trials of this disappearing way of life on this poignant journey.
