Caravan of the Books: Kenya's Mobile Camel Library
Caravan of the Books: Kenya's Mobile Camel Library

Caravan of the Books: Kenya's Mobile Camel Library

2010  | 52 minutes  |  free  |  U  |   
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  • Director: Herbert Oswald
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If children can't go to the library to read, why not take the library to the children? Believe it or not, this idea is in action in North Eastern Kenya where nomadic Somalian tribes live. Since the children are always on the move and do not get educated, the authorities found a unique solution - create a library that moves with them! Thus began Kenya's mobile library where Gellow, a camel, and his four-legged friends travel to the country's remotest parts with hundreds of books. Who would have thought that a herd of camels can become a caravan of joy and wonder for the kids
