Baby Boss: Italy's New Face of Terror
Baby Boss: Italy's New Face of Terror

Baby Boss: Italy's New Face of Terror

2018  | 52 minutes  |  premium  |  U/A


 Rated 13+
  • Play Now
  • Director: Raphael Tresanini
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Far from fiction, mafia-rule in Italy is thriving thanks to the cold-blooded youths who have replaced the old guard. In Naples, a secret criminal organization called the Camorra operates, with boys as young as 13 operating as mafiosos. These trigger-happy youths are bloodying the city streets with their unabashed violence and crime. Those who join the mafia are usually uneducated drug-addled minors looking to make a quick buck. Despite efforts by authorities to reintegrate them into the society, these kids go back to the life of crime from where there is no turning back.
