Out of Mind, Out of Sight
Out of Mind, Out of Sight

Out of Mind, Out of Sight

2014  | 56 minutes  |  premium  |  A


 Rated 18+
  • Play Now
  • Director: John Kastner
  • Cast: Justine, Debbie Vallentgoed, Dr. John Bradford, Michael Stewart, Rebecca Stewart, Peter Stewart, John Stewart, David Stewart, Charles DeCou, Carole Seguin, Mark Earle, Nancy Wooding, Mike Whalen, Dr. Elizabeth James, Sal Beninato
  • Awards: Best Canadian Feature Documentary - Hot Docs 2014
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Perpetrators who are found to have committed acts of violence during a psychotic episode are typically found Not Criminally Responsible, but still find themselves locked away. Brockville Mental Health Centre is home to over 59 patients who have some type of criminal charges against them. While one patient is extremely sensitive in social situations, few others often resort to violence to the extent of self-harm. Multiple Emmy Award-winning filmmaker John Kastner spent 18 months at the institution interviewing dozens of staff and patients in this much-acclaimed documentary.
