I Got Rhythm -  The Science of Song
I Got Rhythm -  The Science of Song

I Got Rhythm - The Science of Song

2016  | 60 minutes  |  free  |  U/A


 Rated 13+
  • Play Now
  • Director: Connie Edwards
  • Cast: Laurel Trainor, Rickard Astrom, Stoyan Stoyanov, Charles Limb, Meklit Hadero, Sean Forbes
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Music is an intrinsic part of humans. From celebration to sorrow, it has a role in every human experience. But what makes people connect to music in the first place? Which part of the body evokes emotions when listening to songs? Is singing a genetic ability? Scientists try to find answers to these questions and explore the impact of music on the human mind and body. Not only do they end up with intriguing findings but they also stumble upon new discoveries. A startling one among them – complex musical compositions were made as early as 40,000 years ago!.
