The Lost Treasure Fleet of 1715
The Lost Treasure Fleet of 1715

The Lost Treasure Fleet of 1715

2016  | 60 minutes  |  premium  |  A


 Rated 18+
  • Play Now
  • Director: Chad Crawford
  • Cast: Brent Bisben, John de Bry, Neal Dorst, John Brandon
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Three hundred years ago, a fleet of 11 Spanish galleons carrying massive amounts of gold, silver and precious gems sank off the coast of Florida. With six galleons being found, the desire to hunt for the remaining five keeps modern-day salvors and explorers awake at night. Brent Brisben, a professional salvor decides to go on an expedition and recover the wealth buried in the deep sea. But treacherous waters and predatory sharks pose an imminent threat to his crew and his mission. Will he be able to reclaim the riches lost to the sea?
