The Wizard of H2O
The Wizard of H2O

The Wizard of H2O

2018  | 52 minutes  |  premium  |  A


 Rated 18+
  • Play Now
  • Director: Sylvie Boulloud, Nathalie Plicot
  • Cast: Alain Gachet, Judi Wakhungu, Alexandre Taithe, Daniel Kakure, Lokieny Ekai Festus, Marc-André Bünzli, Saud Amer, Nawzad Hadi, Franck Galland, Josphat Nanok, Andrea Scarinci
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With a third of the Earth’s population suffering from freshwater shortages, finding water for the parched regions of the planet is the most pressing issue of our time. Mineral engineer Alain Gachet and his team have found a way to locate enormous water reserves deep in the Earth’s crust. These could spell the end of this crisis but will economic and geopolitical issues get in the way? Have humanity’s water wars truly been averted or will they just be fought over a different prize? Explore these and other grounding issues, along with Gachet’s technological strides, in this amazing feature.
